
Monday, March 25, 2013

Zaiden Beattie, Boy With Rare Genetic Disorder, Goes To School With The Help Of A Miniature Horse In Sneakers

Zaiden and Zoe are both so special and I am so happy they have each other!  I am glad to see that people are valuing horses and maybe some day people will all recognize what they really do for us and stop slaughtering them! ~Declan

Zaiden Beattie, Boy With Rare Genetic Disorder, Goes To School With The Help Of A Miniature Horse In Sneakers
AP | By DAN JOLING Posted: | Updated: 03/23/2013 2:00 pmAs Posted on Huff Post Parents

1 comment:

  1. Hey Declan! I did a post on this late last week. It is quite a touching story and quite an inspiration for people with disabilities and mobility issues. I myself have several herniated discs in my lower back and my doctors and I are looking at spinal fusion surgery this fall which means I will be in recovery for over a year if not more and I may have to use a wheelchair and/or a walker afterwards and I may come out better afterwards, the same, or even worse. There is not guarantee, so I am toying with the idea of a service horse, but I am not so sure how it would work with someone who is 6 feet tall... ???
    Anyhoo, this article was much more indepth than the one I posted. It was so cute, had an awww factor to it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to 'reblog' it to my blog, but I can't since you are over here on Blogspot and I am over on Wordpress and I am not going to just 'cut and paste'. Heavens no!
    Thanks for posting a more information article and pushing our government to stop horse slaughter. You are making great strides. Many prayers are being offered your way and I am following your journey and I hope and pray that you and your camp can track down that man who posted on my blog and I will keep you guys posted if he comes back. Looking forward to hearing more from your camp. Keep up the excellent work! Our horses need you as their voice and to fight for them! xoxoxo

    ~Serenity (aka Heather-Joan Carls) WNY
