I would totally like to go and show everyone in our Nations Capitol how much horses mean to me and other children in our country. I want to make a difference and save our horses from the cruelty of slaughter. Like I testified in the NH House, when I look into a horses eyes, I see love and the healing hands of God and I want the Congressmen and Senators to see that too. My mom said she will do her best to make it happen for me.
I would like to make a goal of collecting at least 115 letters to bring with me to present. I hope all of us can help me reach that goal! Please ask other children to write letters, draw pictures or write poems about what horses mean to them. Please send me your letters so I can bring them to Washington DC! Please give or mail your letters to me in NH at:
c/o Children4Horses
PO Box 614
Greenland, NH 03840
Or you can mail them directly to the Million Horse March Children's Letter Writing Campaign. The deadline is March 20th, so I would need to get them the week before to send them all off to be organized. If you send them directly to the Campaign, would you please write my name somewhere on the envelope so I can keep track of reaching my goal :-)
For more information, details and a direct campaign address, please visit Equine Welfare Alliance's website at: http://equinewelfarealliance.org/Children_s_Page.html
Thank you for doing your part to help save America's horses!
I love horses so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!